Thursday, December 8, 2011


Every morning when she woke up breakfast was ready for her.  Sometimes waffles and fruit salad.  Sometimes scrambled eggs and pancakes.  She never knew who made it.  Day after day she wondered but could never figure out who was doing it.  She saw evidence of a person having been there, the kitchen was always left a mess and sometimes footprints were left in the flour that had spilled on the floor.  After a while she stopped seeking to find the real maker of the breakfasts and to just enjoy the food.  She had a kitten living with her and since there was no one else to attribute the breakfasts to she gave credit to the kitten.  She thanked the kitten for the meal everyday.  She even designated special days where she focused her attention on the kitten giving even more thanks for the provision.  Years later the cat died but the breakfasts continued.  She still didn't know who really prepared the food, so she bought another kitten.

But no one would ever really behave like this, right?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Girls Be Wanting

If you believe that every girl wants a guy with money, you’re wrong, but I’m a freak, so what do I know?  Men, you want to know what a girl finds irresistibly attractive?  It’s when guys wear AXE and when they can conquer any game on the Xbox...just’s a guy with a vision!  A guy with a dream bigger than himself (preferably one involving alleviating poverty and defending the weak) - which he would be a fool to try and undertake without the help of the King and an encouraging woman – is what we want.  If a man is dirt poor, but has vision and perseverance, this guy will change nations and draw to himself the resources he needs to carry out his God given dream.  

[I’ll let you know when I meet him.]  

So...get quiet before Jesus and ask Him what you should do with the gifts He’s already given you.  He has commanded you to subdue the earth and rule over it.   He will provide everything you need.  He’s got your back.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The King

Most people don't want a Jewish carpenter telling them what to do, especially not a group of religious snobs back in the day when Jesus walked this earth. Apart from it being the will of God, Jesus was killed because he claimed to be God in the flesh. This written "charge" was placed above Jesus' head when he was nailed to a cross, "King of the Jews". I'm not a Roman centurion, but I've heard that written charges were placed above the heads of those being crucified to scare potential offenders, to teach people a lesson.

"Now, Billy, don't go around throwing hummus at the neighbor's donkey anymore, you might end up like that poor soul on the cross." Then, Billy, after seeing a hummus throwing offender on the cross learns his lesson, and no longer chucks hummus everywhere. In fact he never even touches the stuff for the rest of his life.

So, does anyone else find it humorous that this is the "charge" that Pilate chose to put above Jesus, in Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew? Were many people walking around town claiming to be the King of the Jews? Were many claiming they too were a king but from a different kingdom? Was this written charge a warning, or a hilarious ironic proclamation (since Pilate knew that Jesus was no ordinary man)?  Jesus' main offense was that He claimed to be King. It's the same today. Those that don't believe He is King live like they are their own master, their own king, their own god.

He is just as guilty as ever.

He is still King.